Friday, March 2, 2012

Bump it up a notch

This past wednesday, we attended our weekly Custom Canines training outing at West Towne Mall in Madison. It was great to see everyone as usual, and get some feedback and ask questions. I think at this point, I (Dusty, his primary trainer) need to bump it up a notch with his training, in more simple specific areas. By simple I mean SIT, DOWN, and STAY. Since we have regular early morning "training walks", where I religiously practice HEEL, and then COME with some off leash play, I have been slacking on the more simple core commands. Switch gears, bump it up a notch by taking it back to the basics, check.

Although we have been lightly practicing WAIT (or STAY) during every meal, as well as various front door encounters, and ESPECIALLY when Avery and Porter try to go down the stairs together... I guess that was enough for Porter to get the idea. I was impressed at how well he did waiting on command at the mall, with various passers-by, including Custom Canine pups. (I am located to the left of Jeff walking Cooper in the photo, waiting with a treat). Porter is loyal to his treats, and I need to be more focused and consistent with my commands.

Porter got bumped out of the Puppy Class into the "Teenager" Class at the Dog Den where he will receive his first official training classes. I guess all that puppy kibble has made his grow big enough to pick on puppies smaller than him, either that or he is ready mentally for more "teenage" focused commands. Either way, we are excited to get training!