This past saturday Porter graduated from Teenager Dog Training at The Dog Den, and concurrently started up his Intermediate Dog Training. He is not so happy, as he got used to the resting routine from his neuter surgery... but he is responding very well, and seems MUCH more calm and collected in public training, as well as Dog Den courses. We have all been through a lot lately, hoping things even out here a bit more. Consistency is the key, and with life events it can be hard to stick to a rigid schedule.
Avery's Grandparents built a chicken coop, and so Avery and Porter have been very interested in the new family members. Avery is VERY excited about the chickens, but seems to be much more concerned and in love with "baby chickens". Of course, Porter goes nuts when he sees the chickens, and it is good practice for me to use his "LEAVE IT" command. Practice, practice, practice.
When I pick up Avery from his daycare, he climbs into the car and insists on doing this, everytime... crawl in, sit next to Porter, roll the window down, and cheese...
Not sure if Porter did this out of jealousy, wanting to be in the middle of me and Jessica in our camping chairs, or he was just being goofy... but when Avery fell asleep on Mommy's lap during our weekend patio hangout sessions, Porter promptly crawled up into Avery's "ducky chair" and fell asleep. Doesn't look comfy to me, but maybe Avery warmed it up for him.